Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Seinfeld-esque Declaration to Finally Create a Blog

I've been talking about creating a blog for several years. I write posts in my head while I'm in the shower, while I'm in the car, when I can't get to sleep and it's approaching an hour much later than I like to be awake, and pretty much any time I hear or read something that gets my emotions going.

But while I create these absolutely brilliant essays in my head, they rarely—if ever—get committed to paper or an online document. So while I know how brilliantly I addressed a particular trending topic or how artfully I brought to life a good deed of a local citizen, the success of a special event or my frustration with elected officials, that life remained only in my head. I finally decided that, in failing to commit these brilliant observations to some sort of shareable format, I was denying the world access to said brilliant thoughts.

I know ... the world just stopped on its axis, right?

So, anyhow, I've taken this first step to actually get this blog started. Hopefully, this public declaration of my intention to post brilliant stuff on a fairly regular basis will be the motivation I need to do just that.

I intend to write about many of the wonderful things happening in and around Greater Dundalk—a community near and dear to my heart—and pretty much anything else that matters to me.

I'll be bugging some of my very successful blogger friends for tips, help, suggestions and ideas for improving this site, and I'll work on making it an aesthetically pleasing blog as well as (hopefully) a pleasant read.

See you again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Finally. Count me in on being a frequent gawker of said brilliant musings.
